300 Heroes Wikia


HCL Tournament Event (2020.07.28) - Event 0[]

Event Time[]

  • Start: 28 July 2020
  • End: 16 August 2020

Event Rules[]

  1. Participators must first bind their account to the website to participate in the event, their account must have at least level 14. Once their account is bonded to the site, it can't be modified later, including the selected favorite team.
  2. All rewards on the website must be collected before 30th August 2020. Upon reaching the expiration date, you will not be able to collect the remaining rewards anymore.
  3. After your account is bonded with the website, you will be able to see your information, including your current rank of accumulated Hydrochloric Acid Values.
  4. You can earn Hydrochloric Acid Values from the 2nd part of the event by doing daily tasks. Each account can also buy a support package that grants Hydrochloric Acid Values (100 Values per package) up to 3 times during the event period. (Each purchase of special package may have a delay of 5 minutes)
  5. For those players who their chosen team becomes a champion in this tournament, you can earn the special rewards on the 3rd part of this event.
  6. Every week, the 1st player and top 500 players who accumulate the highest Hydrochloric Acid Values can collect the special rewards on the 3rd part of the event. At the end of each week, the accumulated Hydrochloric Acid Values in the weekly ranking to get weekly rewards will be reset to 0.
  7. For players who have their accumulated Hydrochloric Acid Values reach 110/550/1100/1540 values, they will be able to collect the special reward on the 3rd part of the event.
  8. For players who have Hydrochloric Acid Values greater than 660 during the event, they will receive the Emoji Package that represents their chosen team, the package will be distributed around 30th August 2020 and the emoji can be used up to 180 days after consuming the package.

HCL Tournament Event (2020.07.28) - Event 1[]

The 1st part of the event is where you spend the Hydrochloric Acid Values (盐酸) you get from the 2nd part of the event to vote your favorite team, the values that are used on votes will all be converted to team's Charisma Values (魅力值).

There are 12 teams available for voting which are NR, BR, WPG, AI, PI, GE, IU, AL, ZTR, AVE, PONE, and NE.

HCL Tournament Event (2020.07.28) - Event 2[]

The 2nd part of the event is where you get Hydrochloric Acid Values (盐酸) from the event, there are currently 2 methods available as follows:

  • The 1st method is by doing daily tasks in the game and claim the values from the website as follows:
    • Daily Login => Get 20 Hydrochloric Acid Values
    • Daily 1st Win => Get 50 Hydrochloric Acid Values
    • Daily Online For 60 Minutes => Get 40 Hydrochloric Acid Values
  • The 2nd method is by purchasing a special package called Support Package (应援礼包) that will grant 100 Hydrochloric Acid Values for each purchase, up to 3 times. Each package cost 50 Yuan of the Jump's platform and unpacking the package in the game will grant following rewards:

HCL Tournament Event (2020.07.28) - Event 3[]

The 3rd part of the event is where you earn special rewards after completing specific conditions for this event. The list of reward is divided into 3 lists as follows:

Regular Welfare Package[]

Accumulate a total of 110 Hydrochloric Acid Values to obtain following rewards

Accumulate a total of 550 Hydrochloric Acid Values to obtain following rewards

Accumulate a total of 1100 Hydrochloric Acid Values to obtain following rewards

Accumulate a total of 1540 Hydrochloric Acid Values to obtain following rewards

Weekly Star Package[]

Player with the highest accumulated Hydrochloric Acid Values at 11.59 PM on Sunday will be able to obtain following rewards

Top 2-500 Players Who Have Highest Call Values For Each Week

Champion Group Package[]

Players who their chosen team earn the championship of this tournament will be able to obtain following rewards

HCL Tournament Event (2020.07.28) - Event 4[]

The 4th part of the event and the last part is where you spend HCL Lottery Ticket for the Wheel Roulette. The list of reward available on the wheel is as follows:

  • (Gold Coin) x 1000
  • (Hydrochloric Acid Values) x 20
  • (Hydrochloric Acid Values) x 50
  • (Hydrochloric Acid Values) x 120
  • (Hydrochloric Acid Values) x 150

HCL Tournament Event (2020.07.28) - Event 5[]

the 5th part is the additional part of the event that contains special rewards that can be obtained from lottery drawn in the live broadcast channel. The details are as follows:

  • JUMP Official Live Stream Website: https://live.bilibili.com/4402332
  • During the live broadcast, the official team will draw lottery from the barrage (floating message on the live channel) in the at JUMP Official Live Stream Website the end of each tournament match. Players who won the lottery will receive special rewards that are prepared by the official team in a form of Virtual Lucky Gift Package (虚拟福袋礼包).
  • During the live broadcast, the Easter Egg (unforeseen lottery drawn) will occur randomly in the live broadcast channel, players who won this special reward will earn both Virtual Lucky Gift Package (虚拟福袋礼包) and Yisha Garage Kit (300娘伊莎手办).
